My 2016 BDAY Project


image1For some years now, I’ve made it a point to use my birthday as a day to effect positive change, highlight the work of organizations I am fond of, and raise awareness in order to promote action among my friends and family. This year is no exception.

As always, I’m VERY thankful for every one of you who has taken the time to call and/or write to me in order to share your good wishes… but since I’ve already caught your attention, hopefully I can keep you here for a couple of more minutes and invite you to donate or participate with one of these worthy causes and organizations:

Kiva – Loans that change lives: Microfinancing to people all over the world. Lend as little as $25 dollars to the project of your choosing (Women, Agriculture, Single Parents, Social enterprises, etc).

Atlas Corps – Change your perspective. Change the World: “The peace corps in reverse.” An organization that provides fellowship opportunities in the U.S. to young leaders from across the world. Global capacity-building enabling leaders to detonate change in their communities.

Global Majority: Non-violent conflict resolution. Founded under the premise that the global majority wants to live in peace. Education, training, networking and international advocacy.

Globe Aware – Have Fun. Help People: Voluntourism in an international environment helping impoverished communities in developing nations.

Enseña Por México: Volunteer Project focused on providing better education systems and programs to children in Mexico. Affiliated to the Teach for All network.

Hagámoslo Bien: Promoting a culture of lawfulness in Monterrey, México. Building a network of committed individuals and organizations willing to adhere to a culture of lawfulness and strengthening the rule of law.

Please take a minute to learn about their great work. Click on these links and if you can, it would mean the world to me if you would donate to them today.



Piss people off


imageIt may seem counterintuitive, but I believe a good leader does a disservice to himself and his journey if he is more worried about making friends than making a difference.

Leadership is filled with tough choices and it is part of the leader’s role to make the right ones, even when they may not be the most popular ones.

Making your mark is usually surrounded with detonating change. And change makes people uncomfortable. But if your ambition is to make people comfortable, you might want to choose a different career, as a masseuse.

Piss people off and be ok with it. Just be intelligent about it.